Food, Games, Photos, and stuff that isn't any of those things

Umm…..hi, I guess?

I can’t say that this is the first time I’ve tried to start a blog. I also can’t promise I’ll actually follow through this time. But if I do an honest assessment, I think this one has a pretty good chance of sticking. In the past I’ve always tried to have a very narrow focus (for example: Starcraft 2, photography, my random thoughts, etc, etc, etc). Very quickly, with each of those attempts, I came to realize I didn’t have the time to dedicate to any one of those topics. That in turn led to those blogs being dropped even more quickly. This time I’ve made the decision to go with more of a shotgun approach. I may not be able to dedicate enough time to do nothing but write about food, but I sure eat enough that I can come up with something to say a few times a month. Same goes for video games, or photography, or whatever else. It being early March, I’d wager that at least one of my early posts will revolve around the Sounders (first match on Sunday! WOO!)

I’ll end this first post with a few photos, because I guess why not? Come back soon, there will be more. Probably. Definitely. Maybe. Yeah…..

Seahawks 747 over the Super Bowl Rally at CenturyLink
Downtown Seattle from Kerry Park. Maybe you recognize it from the header?



Pre-Posting Edit: So I decided it would be a good idea to change my WordPress install location before I sent out my first post. HUGE MISTAKE! I screwed it up and uhh…it all went away. Fortunately installing WordPress and getting everything setup for a second time goes much quicker. This is why you don’t do this stuff at 11pm after a full day of work and a trip to the gym.

1 Comment

  1. Jesse

    It’s lonely in the comments. (Mostly I’m just testing comments).

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